Sunday, February 26, 2012

"Skinny" By 123

I have no confidence because I am fat.
My biggest fear is choosing an outfit to wear out with the girls.
I know you are all looking at my muffin top or the roll of blubber that is protruding out of my waistband.
I have declined to go out with my friends because my clothes don’t look right.
I know, you say get new clothes...when you are fat, it isn’t that easy and if you are saying that, you have no right are skinny. No fat girl would ever say that without defying your fat sisters. That is a sin.
There is a small part of my thighs that rub tighter when I walk. It is a constant reminder that I am fat.
It is a constant reminder that I am not accepted as beautiful.
You don’t know the struggle...Hey skinny you know how it feels to starve yourself to lose weight?
Wait...maybe you do. Maybe you starve yourself to be skinny. Do you throw up? Does it feel good? Should I try it?  I would if I can look like you.
Is it easy to throw up? How do you do it? Stick your finger down your throat? That doesn’t work for me. I tried it.  It only makes me gag. Maybe I  am not doing it right.
I can’t go out to bars with my friends because I am fat. I know everyone is looking at me. I know the guys will always choose my friends over me so I DON’T EVEN BOTHER.
I wear clothes that swallow my fat.  I apologize for wearing the same thing week after week, it’s the only sweater that covers the roll of fat that has settled in my midsection.
Oh, you have a comment to make?
Screw You!
You are skinny. You don’t understand. You can go out without being judged.
You get judged too?
You are too skinny? They call you anorexic?
Are You?
You don’t want to go out?  Why?  You are skinny?
Oh. They make fun of you too...

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